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Monday, May 31, 2010


this is an example of a reflection.

track and field divisionals

track and field divisionals on Wednesday

Translation Arrow

In math class we learned how to make translation arrows.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


If you ever want to write a short story here is a way you can come up with ideas.

Make a T-chart of things that you hate and things that you really like. List 20 things for each column and then just pick one. Before long you'll have your short story and you'll love it.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


This is a translation, all that a translation means is moving without rotating, resizing. Every point must be the same distance apart. This translation moves 8 units to the left or (8,0) in ordered pairs.

Friday, May 28, 2010

free class on Monday.



In Math we are doing translations. :)
translation - (5, -5)


this is a translation


A translation is described by a slide.

On this diagram A'B'C' is the translation image of ABC.
The translation is 4 units to the right and 2 units down.
The ordered pair is, (4, -2)
bring science home over weekend to study for the test.

Short Stories

Our class is learning how to write short stories.
Some steps to writing a short story would include:

* Making lists of ideas to write about
* Write four things about your topic
* add more detail
* draw pictures to go with your topic

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


All Transltion means is Moving.. without rotating,resizing or anything else..
Every point must be the same distance and the same direction

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Don't forget that our Would you help the slaves? (5 paragraph essay) is due on Friday the 28th.

And don't forget that track and Field is tomorrow!

If you brought your math test home don't forget to get it signed.

We are now doing a chapter in math on Translations, Reflections, Rotations, Lines of Symmetry, and Planes of Symmetry.

Don't forget to do your math booklet, it's due tomorrow.


This is a translation. Point A is at (-2,3). To draw the translation you have to go 5 spaces right and 4 spaces down. This is what we are doing in math class.


In ELA we just finished watching the movie Underground To Canada!

And spelling is due Friday........ short weeek!

Remember that Track&Field is tomorrow!

Unit 9

Our class has just finished unit 9 in math.
We learned about:

1. the circumference of a circle
2. measuring instruments
3. angles
4. lines
5. triangles
6. geometry

do not for get about Track ando Field n Wednesday

Track and Field

On wednesday May 19 is our track and field

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thank You

Thank you to all the people who voted for me. I am really looking forward to being president next year. I am going to count on you guys to help me out next year.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Acute Triangle

An Acute triangle and three angles that are less than degrees

Friday, May 21, 2010

Track and Field

On Wednesday we have Track and Field .

we have two new events Discus and Shot put (:


we might to finish the movie for Underground to Canada today


watching movie again

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Drawing a Perpendicuar Bisector

This video shows how to draw a perpendicular bisector

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today in Math class we learnt "How to Bisect an Angle".

Bisecting Angles

This is how you bisect an angle.

1. First draw an angle.

2.Then draw an arc with a compass that cross in the middle of lines ab and bc.

3. Draw an arc from point 1 with the same distance of the compass before and draw another arc from point 2 with the same distance the the as before.

4. Then draw a straight line from point b through point x. The line bisects the angle abc.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Formula Of Area For A Rectangle

Rectangle A= lxw

Example : Width = 5 cm
Length = 6 cm
A= 6cm x 5cm- 30 cm
A= 30 cm

Monday, May 17, 2010

Track and Field

Don't Forget that Track and Field is on Wednesday May 26th


All the angles in a triangle equal up to 180 degrees.

Equalateral Triangle

This is an equalateral triangle. All of the sides on an equalateral triangle equal the same.
for example, all of the sides on this triangle equal 60°.
we are learning triangles in math today.

In gym we are learning about track and field activity's like discus, shot put, long lump, triple jump
high jump, and running events
track and field is on may 26th
spelling unit 33 due Friday.


spelling will be due on friday


You can classify a triangle by using the measurements of the angles. Ex) acute, right, obtuse. Or you can use the sides. Ex) equivalent, isoceles, and scalene.


we are hopefully finishing our novel today


right triangles: has one right angle
obtuse triangle: has one obtuse angle
acute triangle:has all acute angles
isosceles triangle: has two angles that are the same
equilateral triangle: has all equal angles
Scalene triangle:has all different triangles

Sunday, May 16, 2010


In E.L.A we are doing a brochure on famous people who helped the slaves to freedom. Like Harriet Tubman, Alexander Ross and Levi Coffin.

I'm doing mine on Alexander Ross. He would go into the plantation disguised as a bird watcher. He would then pick two peple to help him find birds. Then he would show them how to escape. He was great.

Friday, May 14, 2010


In Math we ware learning how to classify angles according to their angles and sides!

The angles are:

Acute Triangle
Obtuse Triangle
Right Triangle

The sides are:

Scalene Triangle
Equilateral Triangle
Isosceles Triangle


Today we are finishing Underground to Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Thursday, May 13, 2010

Track and field :)

In gym we are getting ready for track and field :)
we have practised running , high jump, triple jump , and long jump :D


in math we are learning about classifying triangles there are equilateral triangles are triangles the all sides are equal.

IN math we learned about Scalene Triangles, Isosceles triangle, Equilateral triangles.

Scalene Triangles have no equal sides.

Isosceles triangle have two equal sides.

Equilateral triangles have three equal sides.

shot put and discus

on Monday we are doing shot put and discus in gym

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Underground to Canada

So far Julily and Liza have travelled from the Riley Plantation in Mississippi to Ohio. In Ohio they meet a man and his dog. The man tells them to go to the Ohio River,there will be a log house with one candle lit in the window. The house belongs to Jeb Brown and his wife. Jeb is an abolitionist.

Monday, May 10, 2010

In math we are learning how to classify an angle, here are the names: acute, obtuse, right, reflex, and straight.

We are doing high jump in gym.

Classifying Angles

an acute angle measures less than 90 degrees

an obtuse angle measures between 90 degrees and 180 degreees

a right angle measures 90 degrees

a straight angle measures 180 degrees

a reflex angle measures between 180 degrees and 360 degrees
In math we are learning about Angles !

the names of all the angles are:

acute angle
obtuse angle
right angle
reflex angle
straight angle



This is a 90 degree angle.


this is a straight angle _______________________________________________

Acute Angles

An acute angle is less than 90 An a obtuse angle is greater than 90 and less than 180

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Protractor's are what we use to measure angles. There are two ways to use a protractor to help measure angles.

You can use the inside scale or the outside scale. You use the scale for the way it opens. For instance you would use the inner scale if you had an angle that opened up to the left.


In gym this week we are doing track and field

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Obtuse Angle

An obtuse angle is an angle greater than 90 and smaller than 180 degrees.

Friday, May 7, 2010


We are learning about what it takes to be a leader. Such as Being friendly,loving people,having a sense of humor, having high self esteem, and more.

language of geometry

In math we are learning about the language of geometry

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Acute Angle


that is a ray, it goes on forever in one direction!

The Language of Geometry

Points identify a position. They are represented by dots. Ex) ∙B

are made up of a set of points. A line goes on forever in both directions. Ex) <---C----D--->

A ray
is a part of a line with one endpoint. A ray begins at the endpoint and goes on forever in one
direction. Ex) E-------------F---->

A line segment
is part of a line with 2 endpoints. Ex) X--------------Y

An angle
is formed by two rays or line segments with a common endpoint. The endpoint is called the vertex. The middle letter represents the vertex. Ex) L RSI

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Line segments are apart of a line that has to end points.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


a Ray- is a part of a line with one end point. A ray begins at the endpoint and goes on forever in one direction.


Spelling is due Friday and we have a spelling test . :)
h- sentence.

Monday, May 3, 2010


These are angles
There is a thing in Geometry called an angle. An angle is two rays that share the endpoint of an angle. The point where the rays intersect is called the vertex.

An angle can be read like this /_ BAC The a is the vertex where the two rays intercept.

In math we have to get the math written in your book.

contribute to blog or no free class.

month end due tomorrow

Remember !

Don't forget that there is fitness run tomorrow !


remember to contribute to the blog or no free class