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Friday, January 29, 2010

in math we are learning how to change percents into decimals and fractions


Today in Health we had to write a goal for personal health, and one for academic. We had to put how we would achieve that goal, how long it would take, and how it would make us feel. :)


In Math Class right now we are learning how to change fractions into percents!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In math we are learning how to change a fraction to a percent and a how to change a decimal to a percent.


Just a reminder that Spelling Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D is due tomorrow! Math the 2 work sheets are due. And just to keep bringing in the money for Haiti!


today we learned how to write fractions as decimals

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


In math class we are learning how to express fractions as percents, and writing percents as decimals.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I hope everyone is enjoying these unexpected days off. Just a reminder that spelling will still be due on Friday.

Unit 18 (Review Unit)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Verb Tenses
Present Tense: tells about what is happening- Ex. She is going to school.
Past Tense: tells about something that happened before- Ex. She has gone to school.
Future Tense: tells about something that will happen- Ex. She will go to school.


This is what we use when we are doing Order of Operations!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Verb Tenses

In Grammar we are learning about verb tenses.

*Future tense is something that is gong to happen later.

*Past tense is something that happened before.

*Present tense is something that is happening now.

5 Ws

The 5 W's






Final Newspaper Assignment

For our final newspaper assignment we have to make a newspaper with the following items in it...

1. Cover Story (room106 or V.J.H)
2. Local News Story( in room 106)
3. Provincial News Story(grade 7 or 8)
4. National News Story(Happening in V.J.H )
5. International News Story(Happening in Virden)
6. Sports Story( in our school or community)
7. comic strip (at least 3 boxes)
8. Classifieds (at least 3)
9. Letter to the Editor(Happening in the school)

Verb Tenses

This is what we are learning in Grammar right now:

The tense of a verb tells the time of the action

1) Present Tense- Tells about what is happening now
2) Past Tense- Tells about something that happened before
3) Future Tense- Tells about something that will happen


In gym class we are learning how to play basketball the right way and not double dribble and not to travel with the ball.

Verb Tenses

Present Tense- Tells about what is happening now

Past Tense- Tells about something that happened before

Future Tense- Tells about something that will happen

Verb Tenses!

Verb Tenses!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Parts of the Newspaper
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Comics
  • International, national, provincial, and Sports articles.
  • Classifieds

the 5 w's


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Funds for Haiti

Room 106 is making a box to put our spare change into to help the people in Haiti. We are putting in whatever we can. Even though it is little it can still go a long way, and every little bit helps.

Rules for Mulityplying Integers

The Rules Are:

Friday, January 15, 2010

The 5 W's

1. who
2. what
3. when

5 w's

the 5 W's
  1. who
  2. what
  3. where
  4. when
  5. why
The Five W's



Thursday, January 14, 2010

These are the rules for dividing integers.

1. Positive divided by a positive=positive
2.Negative divided by a negative=positive
3.Negative divided by a positive=negative
4.Positive divided by a negative=negative

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

some reasons on: How to make tough decisions

1. state your goals
2. gather information
3. brain storm for opinions and list them
4. evaluate your opions and pick one to try out
5. use your resources


the five w's

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Multiplying Integers

In math we did dividing integers

Dividing Integers!

This is what we are learning in class right now!

Today we learned how to divide integers.

Monday, January 11, 2010

In E.L.A. right now we are learning about the 5 W's.
  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • Why

We are in the "Newspaper Unit" right now so that is why we are using the 5 W's!


Multipling Integers!

This is what were are learning in class right now!

Multiplying Integers!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

You always have to add the opposite. So, [+5] -[-6] turns into [+5] + [+6] =+11

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Use a Formula

Write the formula

replace the letters by their valuse

complete the calculations

check that your answer is reasonable

Use A Formula!

This is what we are learning in class right now USA A FORMULA!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The 5 mental skills althletes use to succeed.

1. visualization
2. Goal Setting
3. Stress management
4. Focusing
5.Possitive Thinking

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Subtracting Integers Lesson!


Subtracting Integers Lesson!


Monday, January 4, 2010

Adding Integers

In Math class we are learnig how to add integers. We learned that positive and negtive numbers cancel each other out

Adding Integers

In the picture the ones that are scribbled out are "cancled" out. That means you are left with 5 possitives. So your answer is (+5)

Adding Integers

In Math class we are learning how to add integers

Adding Intergers!

This is what we are learning in Math Class! ;)


In Math class we are learning how to add integers

Adding Intergers!

In class we are learning how to Add Integers!

Right now we are adding integers.Integers are O , or negative and positive whole numbers. 8]

(+3) + (-1) = (+2)
(+8) + (-2)= (+6)

Today we learned how to add integers.
in class we are learning about integers.integers are positive and negative numbers and zero

Today we did adding integers EXAMPLE (-6) + (+8) + (-2) = (0)

Adding Integers

This a picture of a game on adding integers. the web site is http://www.arcademicskillbuilders.com/games/orbit-integers/

adding integers

in math were are learning how to add integers.